The thing about life I’ve come to realise is not quite everything is set in stone. We make plans for the most part but then life happens and changes things and us in some cases.

The past couple of weeks has felt that way for me. I’ve been waiting a little longer than expected for something to come through and it finally did. Bringing with it unexpected but nonetheless very positive results. It was indeed a time to be joyous and thankful above all else.

When it came time to celebrate the wonderful news, my health took a hit as I became unwell. It carried on for nearly a week which got me doing some thinking. One that I find myself confronted with whenever I’m down. You see, the thing about life is that you can have everything your heart desires but if you’re not well enough to enjoy it then it almost feels meaningless. Hence the African adage, “health is wealth”.

Without good health, life can be a drag. I had plans to blog at least once a week but that meant nothing when I couldn’t even enjoy something as simple as eating let alone having enough strength to put together a blog post. So I took some time to rest and heal. Craig did a great job of looking after me. Something I’m grateful for.

I spent a lot of my recovery time sleeping and watching lots of Netflix shows. I finished High Seas and Working Moms in a couple of days. The latter made for a good laugh amongst other things which I’m tempted to attribute to my somewhat speedy recovery towards the end. As the saying goes, “laughter is the best medicine”.

It feels good to share that I’m back to good health and ready to celebrate all the good that has recently come our way. If anything, the last couple of weeks have made me realise how much I need to be even more thankful for.

Thanks for reading as always. Feel free to follow me on Instagram where I post daily and subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly videos.

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