Just checking in with you lovely folks that take the time to stop by my little corner of the internet. The past couple of weeks have been great and not so great towards the end but still, it ended on a high note.

If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know we recently visited Bodiam, Sussex which is in the countryside. I’m currently putting together a blog post on our trip but I digress. It was lovely to experience a new part of England we hadn’t seen and a memory we’ll forever cherish.

Upon our return back to Manchester, I was struck with the flu which took a toll on my health. Luckily for me, we maximised our time in Bodiam when it came to creating content so it was easy to keep up with our daily posting schedule on Instagram.

The trend I’ve noticed when it comes to being unwell is to fight it by mostly pre-empting it and taking the necessary medications. But sometimes it still hits me hard regardless and I have to face it. I eventually realise that my body is trying to tell me to slow down. And I know for a fact good health is truly a gift. So I slow down in ways I can, which means I miss my weekly blog post and YouTube schedule. Editing our travel photos will have to wait as I lay in bed watching Jane The Virgin which is my all time favourite Telenovela.

In the midst of it all, I remain grateful as I’m reminded of all the things I take for granted which can easily be done when one is in good health. So nurturing my body and mind back to health remains a priority above all.

It was nice to return home to this this gorgeous ring which I designed a couple of months ago thanks to @fentonandco. It’s a beautiful vintage design with the word gratitude engraved inside it. I opted for the yellow sapphire stone for good reasons as yellow sapphires are known as bringers of happiness and good fortune as well as wisdom and prosperity. I look forward to to welcoming all it brings with it and much more.

Thanks for reading as always. Feel free to follow me on Instagram where I post daily and subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly videos.

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