2022 is well and truly over, and for many the start of a new year is a time for reflection. Regardless of what your 2022 experience was, congratulations! You made it, cheers to your resilience.
We succeeded in jumping over some high hurdles set on our path, we may have stubbed our toe on a rock, but thankfully we are still standing, breathing, living and hopeful for better days.
For many, this was their best year yet- one filled with dreams coming true and wonderful opportunities presented. Clouds parted and the rains fell heavily with blessings, bringing forth the euphoric feeling of being on top of the world.
For others, it was a tough year where dark clouds gathered and the weight was heavy to bear. The lure is strong to end the year by having a thorough self-analysis session, going through events with a fine tooth comb to validate accomplishments, and gauge growth.
As one may sit down to ponder, mentally evaluating the year’s attainment, the realisation that some dreams perhaps were not actualised hits, and regret may ensue, creating an unpleasant feeling surging from the bottom of one’s belly, laden with pain, and a cloud of overwhelming emotional exhaustion.
In the era of toxic positivity, with heightened pressure to appear elated despite real-life struggles, it may be healthier to acknowledge one’s reality and hope for better days. Acute self-scrutiny and comparison may be doing us more harm than good.
What if we insist that the birthing of 2023 is a time to reflect and own one’s reality, to accept that perhaps not everything went to plan in the previous year, maybe those milestones we set with glee on the 1st Jan 2022 didn’t all get achieved? What if it is okay to feel deflated for a moment and live to try again? Permitting ourselves to feel a kaleidoscope of emotions and refusing to mask them.
Then, showing up as the mythical Phoenix rising from the ashes renewed, restored, and equipped to try again, using ‘gratitude’, the word on the lips of many in reframing the mind to focus on areas within one’s control.
Moving the lens swiftly to the positives, and zooming in on what went well. Only comparing your present self with your past self, whilst curiously viewing the upward trend of growth. How about we fall in love with the little wins, the little things that bring joy like, good health, a sound mind, family support, and kind friends?
Romancing and celebrating small wins tend to elevate one’s emotions. Gratitude begets more, it yields abundance, silences the noise, and dulls the distractions.
To aim for a more successful year, it may be wiser we ditch the new year’s resolutions, which interestingly do not last all year long, fervour diminishes and steam soon runs out. Statistically, only 19% of people stuck to their resolutions in 2021, with 80% giving up by February. This is not encouraging by a mile!
Perhaps, we could explore some alternative options proven to support our goals for the new year. To achieve a healthier mental state, view milestones in a more positive light and chase dreams using methods such as visualisation, manifestation, scribing, action, and basking in the 4th dimension.
Adopt A Mantra
Affirmations and visualisation are powerful ways to permeate your subconscious mind to program it for the manifestation of prosperity. Repeating a mantra daily may be effective in helping you focus to attract abundance. Some examples are: “What I’m seek is seeking me”, “as I ask, the door opens with abundance”, also “I am” statements are powerful in anchoring self-love and growing self-worth.
Follow A 30, 60, or 90-day Challenge
Focusing on one area of your life at a time, may prove to be more progressive. It could look like January’s focus is on mental health, February’s on physical health, and March is on beauty in all spheres, not neglecting the daily check-ins with yourself, but choosing to compartmentalise your goals.
Create A Bucket List With No Time Limit
A bucket list can take off immediate pressure to achieve goals as these tend to be without time constraints. Fill your lists with experiences that evoke youthful zest, the feeling of being alive, joyful, and excited.
2023 is a good year to try again, hope again, love again, feel again, dream again, achieve again, be joyful again and a good year to be alive.
If you’re feeling a little inspired to manifest some goals, then Onyi’s latest YouTube video below is the place to look as she shares her tried and tested method of manifesting.

Chichi is a Writer, Lifestyle Creative and Mum, who uses word artistry to paint pictures of life’s simple luxuries, whilst in the same breath harnessing the power of storytelling to encourage positivity.
She is the Founder and Creative Director of @mumsnation, a platform where she shares celebratory stories of fiercely fabulous mums.
Her work can be found on and her social media @thechichimorris @mumsnation